Saturday, January 19, 2019

Beginners' Witchcraft- Tips and Tricks Plus A Simple Ritual For Initiation

Witchcraft has been gaining more and more prominence in the recent days, and with no more witch trials hanging like axes upon our heads, we witches can now be more open and free about it.
But how do you start out? It all seems overwhelming, right? All the elaborate descriptions about tarots, crystals, herbs, incenses and all of that tend to confuse a baby witch. Well, I have got you covered. Of course, there is no right or wrong way in witchcraft, yet this is my persoal experience and views which I want to share.

1. The Basic Understanding

Read books to have a clear yet personalized view of Witchcraft and energy manipulation. But when you are just starting out, do not go for complex ritual manuscripts and advanced books. Go for beginner guides.
My faves are Modern Witchcraft and Magic for Beginners by Lisa Chamberlain, Wicca For Beginners by Edith Yates and Witchcraft for Beginners by Leandra Witchwood.
Of course there are many, many more and these are just my own faves.

2. Spend Time In Nature

I cannot stress more on this! Nature plays such a big part in be moon magick, candle magick, herbal magick or crystal magick, everything is a part of Nature and increasing your time spent in Nature corresponds to increasing your powers.
Do morning meditations in gardens or woods, walk barefoot on grass, sit beside a river and feel its energies or at least keep plants on your windowsill.

3. Start Your Book Of Shadows

It is so very necessary to have a Book of Shadows! It acts like your personal journal and your psychic companion. Obviously it does not have to be super elaborate. You can just buy a thick notebook and design it according to your liking. Draw athames, pentacles and other sigils to make it more special.
Write in it as often as you can and keep a record of your progress in the craft. Even the most little spell needs to be written down.

4. Meditation and Visualization Are Key

The most powerful witches would say that perfect visualization can create miracles. And they are so damn right! Meditate everyday, even if it is for 10 minutes and practice visualizing. Visualize anything you want, be it a simple scene like you are going to the market or playing the piano. Just stay in practice so that your spells are more powerful.

5. Drink Herbal Enchanted Tea Daily

This was taught to me by one of my mentors. Brew your favorite magickal herbs and draw a sigil of growth on the cup. Visualize your powers growing and your journey moving smoothly forward. Then drink it slowly, savoring the taste. This detoxifies your mind and body and makes you more open to the psychic world.

6. Buy Basic Crystals and Charge Them

No darling, no need to buy 60 pieces of expensive crystals right in the beginning. Get the basic ones like Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Citrine, Amethyst, Green Jade, Black Obsidian and Black Tourmaline. Of course you can get other ones too, but this is how I got started.
Charge your crystals and meditate with them regularly. Learn their properties and start doing simple and small spell works with them.

7. Do Moon Meditations 

The forces of the moon play a massive role in Witchcraft. It is very essential to be in tune with the moon. Mediate under the moon and stare at her, feeling her powers. I have found this to be so effective and relaxing that I still do it, especially on Full Moons.

8. Learn The Uses of Herbs

You do not need to become a walking botanical garden to use the magickal powers of herbs. Just learn the properties and uses of the ones available to you and use them in simple spells. You will get plenty of herb correspondences online.

9. Candles Are Crucial

Last, but surely not the least, candles! The element of fire is probably the most important element in witchcraft. Make candles your besties. Learn color correspondences and meditate with candles as often as possible.

A Small Initiation Ritual

This ritual is to officially introduce and initiate yourself into the mystical world of witchcraft. It is very personal in nature and this ritual is mainly a skeletal design where you can add or remove steps and items to suit your preference.

Moon Water (plenty of recipes/tutorials online!)
White Candles and Black Candles
Clear Quartz
Rose Quartz
Sandalwood incense

1. Bless the area of initiation with salt water and sage.
2. Keep burning sage, but be safe
3. Surround the space with white and black candles. White purifies and black destroys negative energies.
4. Keep the crystals near. They will give the energies of love and blessings.
5. Burn the incense
6. Pour moon water in a jar and keep it in the circle beside you. Chant, "This water be blessed with love and light, Be banished doubts and fright, Lead me through this beautiful journey, All goes well and blessed be."
7. Lie down comfortably and close your eyes. Visualize good and powerful energies seeping into your body. Stay in that stay in that state for as long as you want.
8. Then ring the bell three times and chant, "This initiation is done, So mote it be."

I hope to have helped the beginner witches out there.
Blessed Be,

Picture Credit:
#witchcraft #wicca #beginnerwitch #thecraft #spells #modernwitchcraft #metaphysical

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